
Contact Us

To contact one of our dynamic recruitment consultants, please email your request / query to information@yazoo.co.za or call +27 (0)21 418 1113.

Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail account users: please whitelist our domain (@yazoo.co.za) on your email security settings/filters to ensure that you receive correspondence from us. Please check your spam/junkmail folder if you have not whitelisted our domain. Click here for a how-to guide for Gmail users. 

Lourie du Preez
Tel No:            +27 (0)21 065 1863
Cell No:           +27 (0)82 567 7982

Stephanie Paul
Tel No:            +27 (0)21 418 1113
Email:             information@yazoo.co.za

Physical address
51 Silversands, Lancaster Road, Dobson, Gordon’s Bay